Naturopathic Doctors practice medicine of tomorrow. NDs’ perspective is holistic which means they see the inter-connectedness of your problem to the context of your life. They work with you to find the root cause of your problem and resolve it. The goal is your wellness, feeling good & doing good. Call now!
Social worker
social workers help people attain physical, mental and spiritual well-being. They also address broad social issues like oppression, discrimination, domestic violence, unemployment and poverty.
Nutritionists work with you, assess your nutrition, does a nutritional counselling, and coach you to develop healthy eating habit by implementing mindful eating. A custom meal plan helps you practice diet planning and finally digestive health is the outcome. Don't wait! Google for nutritionist near me now.
​Do you feel chronic pain, knee pain, stress, anxiety, digestive disorders, migraines or sleep issues and mind-chatters? Acupuncture rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, may have a tailored treatment to help you. Needling, cupping, Moxa and more! Call us and visit our awesome Acupuncturist!
Massage therapy (RMT)
Massage therapists assess soft tissues and joints of the body for treatment and prevention of dysfunction, injury, pain and physical disorders. They manipulates the soft tissues of your body muscle, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and skin.
Do you worry a lot? Does stress keeps you awake all night? Do you feel your confidence is declined and you need help to improvr your problem solving skills? Come and see our therapist to learn better self awareness and resolve your mind issue from the root.
Facial removes fatigue from your skin, reduce tension from muscles of your face, cleanse and tone your skin and make you glowing.Cavitation: Reduce your size by reducing yor fat cell using ultrasound. Skin tightening: to heat tissue and stimulate sub-dermal production of collagen, remove skin tags to improve your self-estemm.
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